New Drug Shrinks Skin Cancer Tumors

Sept. 23, 2009 (Berlin) -- An experimental drug appears to dramatically and rapidly shrink deadly skin cancer tumors, researchers report.

Tumors shrank in 17 of 27 patients with advanced melanoma given the new pill, known as PLX4032. In two patients, the tumors completely disappeared.

The results are "unprecedented," says Paul Chapman, MD, of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

In one patient who underwent before-and-after imaging scans, the tumor "completely healed. I've never seen anything like it," he tells WebMD.

"We began to see signs of tumors turning off within two weeks," Chapman adds.

Overall, tumors shrank in 70% of patients with a particular cancer-related mutation who were given the pill.More..

Skin Cancer

Skin Care Advices

It’s her birthday – and you have no idea what to get for birthday gift. Chocolates are too valentines. Jewelry is too expensive – unless you get the fancy type which is just plain tacky. A blouse is too common. Why not try a moisturizer? Generally, women love things that make them feel beautiful – which explains why perfumes, lotions and moisturizers are great bets for gifts.

What’s also great about moisturizers is that there are high end products that you can choose from, making your gift a luxurious one at tat. Try these skin care advice in choosing the right moisturizer for your beloved.

One important thing to remember is to match the moisturizer according to skin type. The lady in your life may love your gift, but may end up stashing it inside her medicine cabinet if she can’t use it for various reasons. Make sure that your moisturizer of choice matches her skin type.More..

skin treatment

Skin Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time for pure bliss. However, it does have its share of petty annoyances like morning sickness and skin problems

. The skin develops acne and you are helpless because you cannot even use strong acne treatments and powerful ingredients to correct the situation. However, what you can do is to follow a gentle and efficient skin care routine during pregnancy.

The majority of cosmetics have ingredients like petrolatum, paraffin and mineral oil. The problem is that these ingredients are not effective at moisturizing your skin because your skin cannot absorb them. Cosmetic companies know this but they still continue to use these ingredients because they are inexpensive and the majority of people do not know that they are actually harmful to your skin.More..

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